Zakir Hussains triple Grammy win makes India proud says PM Narendra Modi. Tabla maestro Zakir Hussain achieved a historic milestone at the Grammy Awards, becoming the first Indian to win three trophies in a single night. The 72-year-old musician secured awards in three categories: Best Global Music Performance, Best Contemporary Instrumental Album, and Best Global Music Album, bringing his total Grammy count to five.
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One of Hussain’s notable wins was in the Best Global Music Performance category for the song “Pashto,” a collaboration with American banjo player Béla Fleck, American bassist Edgar Meyer, and Indian flautist Rakesh Chaurasia. The composition pays homage to the tradition of Indian classical musicians playing with British imperial bands in early 20th-century India.
In his acceptance speech in Los Angeles, Hussain, dressed in an embroidered white kurta, expressed his gratitude, stating, “Thanks to the academy, thanks to all these great musicians for giving us such beautiful, tight music together. Thank you all.”
Hussain’s second Grammy of the night was for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album, which he won alongside Fleck, Meyer, and Chaurasia for the eclectic classical-meets-jazz album titled “As We Speak.”
Zakir Hussains triple Grammy win makes India Proud
The maestro also co-won Best Global Music Album for “This Moment,” the critically acclaimed comeback album of the pioneering world-fusion band Shakti. The band, reunited in 2020 after a decades-long hiatus, includes founding members Hussain and John McLaughlin, joined by Shankar Mahadevan, V Selvaganesh, and Ganesh Rajagopalan.
The memorable night at the Grammy Awards showcased India’s continued success in the global music scene, reaffirming the country’s presence and recognition on the international stage.