Celebrating Bobby Deol’s birthday today, the creators of Suriya’s upcoming film, “Kanguva” unveiled Bobby’s first look as the formidable villain Udhiran. Suriya is set to lead an impressive cast in the upcoming film directed by Siva, which includes Disha Patani, Natarajan Subramaniam, Jagapathi Babu, Yogi Babu, Kovai Sarala, Anandaraj, and Ravi Raghavendra.
Unveiling Lord Bobby Ruthless and Powerful Avatar in Kanguva with Suriya
The film showcases Bobby in a commanding and menacing avatar, adorned with a mane of hair and surrounded by female followers. Bobby shared the poster, describing his character as “Ruthless. Powerful. Unforgettable.”
Suriya recently shared updates about the movie, expressing gratitude for the positive atmosphere during the shoot. He posted a still, marking the completion of his last shot for “Kanguva” and anticipating the film’s impact on the audience. Suriya also extended birthday wishes to Bobby, praising his transformation into the mighty Udhiran and urging everyone to watch out for his performance.
Bobby’s family, including Sunny Deol and Esha Deol, conveyed heartfelt birthday wishes on social media. Sunny posted multiple pictures with Bobby and Dharmendra, referring to Bobby as “My Lil #LordBobby.” Esha shared a stylish picture of Bobby, expressing her pride, while Sunny’s son Karan Deol sent birthday love to his “dearest chacha.”
Kanguva, set to release in 2024 in six languages, including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, English, and Hindi, “Kanguva” follows Bobby’s stellar performance in the blockbuster film “Animal,” where he portrayed the antagonist. The Blockbuster film, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, recently debuted on Netflix.